
A triangle of hope has formed from despair, slavery and exploitation

First published on: 3rd May 2018

Rev Canon Malcolm Rogers, Bishop of Liverpool's Canon for Reconciliation has spent two years bringing an initiative – the Triangle of Hope to fruition.

What's the link between church growth, social action and discipleship?

First published on: 26th April 2018

That is exactly what The GRA:CE Project aims to find out. Could your parish help take part in this research project seeking to understand the relationship between church growth, social action and discipleship within the Church of England?

Eucharistic service gives thanks for the ministry of Bishop Richard on his retir

First published on: 26th April 2018

Over 800 people from across the Diocese gathered at Liverpool Cathedral on Saturday, 21st April to bid an emotional farewell to Bishop Richard.

Diocesan Synod to revisit the question of Parish Share

First published on: 19th April 2018

As Diocesan Synod meet on March 24<sup>th</sup> to look at a different option for our Parish Share System, we find out more about what's called Option 2. Over the next couple of weeks we ask what it is, how it works and why the time may be right for it to be considered again.<br />

Get involved with Thy Kingdom Come

First published on: 19th April 2018

***6 Ways your church can get involved with Thy Kingdom Come***

Resilience is not an even handed idea

First published on: 19th April 2018

Independent community theologian, Ann Morisy, will be presenting this year's Micah Lecture: ‘Resilience and the risk of lopsided justice' on 18 June at Liverpool Cathedral. Ahead of the lecture, we spoke to Ann to find out more about her life as a community theologian and author.  

Bishop Richard says farewell to our diocese

First published on: 19th April 2018

On Saturday we hold Bishop Richard's Farewell service in our cathedral. To mark this today we publish a series of reflections from the Bishop from his time here. We also publish his final address to Synod

CofE encourages every minister to join The Great Vocations Conversation

First published on: 18th April 2018

The Church of England this week have launched a national campaign focusing on vocations.

Environment Summit

First published on: 17th April 2018

We spoke to Phil Leigh Diocesan Environmental Officer about what he hopes this spring's Environmental Summit will achieve.

Clergy Moves and other Ministry Appointments

First published on: 17th April 2018

There have been a number of clergy moves and ministry appointments we list them here. 

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