In the Diocese of Liverpool, we are asking God for a bigger church to make a bigger difference – more people knowing Jesus, more justice in the world.

If you’re not sure how you should or could respond to this, then Directions is the course for you. It will help you explore your Christian calling and equip you for the next stage of your journey.

Directions offer teaching, group discussions, personal reflection, and focused exploration over 8 sessions.

Directions is for all kinds of people exploring different ways of serving God in the church and the world. It’s not just about ordination or serving God in the church.

Directions is not a Christian basics course.

You’ll need to be familiar with the Bible and have experience of life as a Christian, as the course applies biblical and Christian thinking about how you live in the church and the world.

The Liverpool Diocese Rule of Life tells us all Christians are called to Pray, Read, Learn and are sent to Tell, Serve, and Give. Our Directions course is designed to help people grow in their inward journey of praying, reading and learning and to explore where and how God is sending them to tell, serve and give.

Like many Christians, you may have a sense of God’s call but not be sure what that call is to, or how to respond?

To learn more about taking part in the next Directions course, please visit the LifeCall website.


Directions offer teaching, group discussions, personal reflection and focused exploration over 8 sessions.

We use a lively and engaging learning style. Our two-part sessions start with worship and a presentation. After refreshments, experienced leaders facilitate small group discussions where you’ll share questions and prayer.

Called for a purpose – You’ll explore the question, ‘called – for what?’ You will discover what we mean by the church and the kingdom of God and how the two relate.

Called who, why and how – You will look at who is called, why we are called, and how do we know we are called. You’ll explore your gifts and ministry where God has called you to be. We will explore working together with others and the importance of mission in our world today.

Called to be sent – Together we look at our church in its community, how churches grow and how we can share our faith.

Directions is for all kinds of people exploring different ways of serving God in the church and the world. It’s not just about ordination or serving God in the church.

Our Directions course will help you work out how you can serve God in all areas of your life, no matter where you are in your Christian journey.

The bible tells us that the church has people with ministries to equip God’s people for works of service (Ephesians 4:12). Directions is a course for people who want to discover and develop their Christian discipleship, both in the church and in the world. Directions can help you work out how you can serve God in areas such as:

  • In your place of work or leisure and your family.
  • In your community through a church ministry or as a volunteer with community groups.
  • In a role in your church – pastoral visitor, worship leader, children’s ministry, churchwarden.
  • As an ordained minister.
  • As a lay minister such as Reader, Local Missional Leader or Church Army Officer.

To secure your place on the Directions course please email Sam Stanford:

There is an application charge of £20 per person.

You’ll need experience of Christian discipleship behind you with some biblical understanding so you can take part in group work.

Your application must be supported by your vicar. Please make sure you’ve spoken to your minister/vicar and let them know you’re interested in Directions.