
Bishop Paul says "Rethink Universal Credit"

First published on: 20th September 2018

And you can join the calls for the government to rethink the rollout by signing the End Hunger Uk petition

"Do nothing and nothing happens, do something and something happens"

First published on: 20th September 2018

Bishop Geoff Pearson gives his ten learning points from Newcastle's Pathways to Mission

Safeguarding your congregation

First published on: 20th September 2018

Catriona Richardson, Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser, is calling on all parishes to ensure safeguarding is one of their top priorities. <br />

Could you be the next Anti-Trafficking Project Coordinator for the Diocese of Li

First published on: 19th September 2018

Rev Christel Erving, reflects on her role as Anti-Trafficking Project Coordinator for Liverpool Diocese as leaves for pastures new.<br />

What can we learn from the spread of Christianity in the earliest centuries?

First published on: 13th September 2018

Interested in discovering how Christianity spread in its earliest centuries, despite being an underground minority facing opposition and persecution? 

Bible Course will help respond to Rule of Life: Read and Learn

First published on: 13th September 2018

Rev'd Peter Whittington, Diocesan Director of Studies explains how The Bible Course starting on 4th October connects to the Rule of Life.

Be vigilant on metal theft

First published on: 6th September 2018

Find the updated booklet for September 2018 here. 

Mothers Union announce next Diocesan President

First published on: 6th September 2018

Bishop Paul has appointed Mrs Caroline Collins as the next Diocesan President 2019-2021 inclusive.

Clergy Moves and other Ministry Appointments

First published on: 30th August 2018

We have had a number of clergy moves and ministry appointments and we list them here.

Clergy Moves and other Ministry Appointments

First published on: 14th August 2018

We have a number of clergy moves and ministry appointments and we list them here.

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