
Clergy Moves and other Ministry Appointments

First published on: 12th April 2019

There have been a number of moves and ministry appointments in the diocese and we list them here.

Modern slavery is hidden in plain sight

First published on: 12th April 2019

The Diocese of Liverpool is working with the Clewer Initiative to challenge modern slavery and human trafficking practices.

Distribution of Food bank Real Easter Eggs begins

First published on: 12th April 2019

More than 700 Easter Eggs have been donated to food banks by churches from across the UK. The donation scheme, run by The Meaningful Chocolate Company, allows donors to purchase a discounted Real Easter Egg online for delivery to food banks, including Trussell Trust distribution centres. Distribution of the eggs began in early April.

Your invitation to the Micah Lecture 2019 - Populism and the Politics of Jesus

First published on: 9th April 2019

This year's Micah Lecture is your opportunity to hear Rev Canon Dr Angus Richie, Director of the Ecumenical Centre for Theology and Community in East London. Rev Dr Angus spoke to us ahead of the lecture. 

"Homeless Jesus" sculpture comes to Liverpool

First published on: 9th April 2019

Members of Liverpool's homeless community have unveiled the City's own ‘Homeless Jesus' sculpture before it was blessed by the Rt Revd Paul Bayes, Bishop of Liverpool. 

Diocesan Synod Round up - March 2019

First published on: 5th April 2019

Synod met on Saturday March 30th to hear a number of debates and vote through a range of measures. Here's our digest.

St Cuthbert's awarded Eco Church Silver Award

First published on: 1st April 2019

St Cuthbert's is the first church in our diocese to achieve Eco Church Silver Award, Rev. Laura Leatherbarrow talks to us about the work they have been doing and plans for the future.

Church Mosque Twinning

First published on: 1st April 2019

Warrington Council of Faiths are looking to set up a range of Twinning arrangements that bringing people together from diverse places of worship across the Town. At its simplest, it's about friends meeting together for a tea or coffee.

Welcoming the stranger

First published on: 28th March 2019

Rev'd Jane Morgan, the newly appointed Bishop's Chaplain for Displaced People talks to us about the role, what she hopes to achieve and how churches across the Diocese can help and support this work.

Archdeacon Visitation Dates 2019

First published on: 28th March 2019

We ask all Wardens, Sidespeople and PCC members to attend their Deanery Visitation at the church listed below. Please be punctual.

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