
Single Christians need to be supported, as it can be very lonely

First published on: 8th October 2019

Danielle Broadbent has organised an event this November - 'Flourishing in the Single Life', aimed at single people. She tells us why she felt it was important to hold such an event.

#WorldMentalHealthDay is on 10th October

First published on: 3rd October 2019

Let's help each other to raise awareness and break the stigma

Liverpool Diocese leads the way in Mothers' Union Initiatives

First published on: 3rd October 2019

Did you know that Liverpool Diocese is leading the way in outreach for families and young people?  Could you be a part of this?

Welcome to our new Readers 2019

First published on: 3rd October 2019

Our new Readers were licensed last Saturday at Liverpool Cathedral. 

Church Commissioners support Diocese of Liverpool proposals for a new church str

First published on: 26th September 2019

The commissioners have published the reasons for their ruling on their website

Ann Petty reflects on five exciting and challenging years as a Local Missional L

First published on: 25th September 2019

“I have come to realise that it's important to use your gifts and personality in a way that suits you”<br />  

School pastors launch in Ormskirk

First published on: 19th September 2019

Ormskirk Parish Church was the venue for the launch of this ecumenical partnership.

Summer Reading Challenge helps us see Jonah in a new light

First published on: 19th September 2019

Hundreds across our diocese took part in our second summer reading challenge as part of the Rule of Life.<br />  

Intro to the Mini MU

First published on: 19th September 2019

Dianne De Costa talks about the creation of the Mini MU, the first of its kind in the world. 

Why I support the Season of Creation

First published on: 19th September 2019

Bishop Bev writes supporting the call for the church to embrace the Season of Creation which runs until October 4th.

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