
Five steps to support giving: Step 3 Digital Giving

First published on: 4th February 2022

Charities and increasingly churches have shown great success in digital giving. So this practical step gives hints on how you can go digital.

Get involved with ten days of prayer

First published on: 28th January 2022

Find the prayer and reflections here for each day

Five steps to support giving: Step 2 Using the Parish Giving Scheme

First published on: 27th January 2022

The parish giving scheme has transformed giving in many parishes. In our next step, we explain how it can help you.

How a melting iceberg helped St Helens leaders think about Fit For Mission

First published on: 27th January 2022

With local leadership key to Fit For Mission we are looking to explore how the deaneries involved in this are progressing. To start this we spoke to Chris Daniel, Area Dean in St Helens about what has led lay and clergy leaders to think they needed to change and that change was getting fit for mission.

Ten Days of Prayer – 2nd to 11th February

First published on: 21st January 2022

The whole diocese is called to pray for our world, our nation and our diocese in the ten days leading up to Bishop Paul's last day as our Bishop.

2021 Archbishop Blanch Lecture notes

First published on: 21st January 2022

As we were unable to go ahead with the 2021 Archbishop Blanch Lecture at Hope University last year, Professor Elaine Graham who was due to speak at the lecture has made her notes available to download

Five steps to support giving: Step 1 Building a generous culture

First published on: 21st January 2022

The first step to building a generous culture is simply to decide to do it. For this step we explore what you might to decide to do.

We are Embracing Justice as part of our Rule of Life this Lent.

First published on: 21st January 2022

As we follow our Rule of Life we are encouraging churches and individuals to take on Rule of Life challenges. Our first takes place in Lent as we follow the Church of England's #LiveLent theme for 2022, Embracing Justice.

Introducing five practical steps your church can do to support giving in 2022.

First published on: 14th January 2022

We give five tried and tested, practical steps you can use to improve giving in your church or worshiping community

Dates for your diary 2022

First published on: 7th January 2022

As we start a new year we have plenty of key dates for you and your parish diaries. Check what you need to book into your diary here.

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