Stewardship UK presents their Christian Giving Report

First published on: 28th June 2024

Lucia Miller reflects on what we can take from the report to help in our Diocese here:

Last week, we attended the presentation of the Christian Giving Report by Stewardship UK. The report provides comprehensive data and evidence looking into both the motivations and barriers that Christians, at different levels of engagement, have towards giving.

Some of their key findings include;

  • Engaged Faith leads to giving
  • An appeal or personal approach triggers spontaneous giving
  • Those who trust the causes they support are likely to be more generous to all causes
  • Two key barriers to giving are feeling unable to afford to give and a lack of trust that donations will be used well

We would encourage you to read through the report and discover new insights for yourself and identify ways you can both support the people who generously support your church, and nurture new donors.

Towards the end of the report (pg 36) there are recommendations for Christian Leaders to:

  • Teach on faith and finance often
  • Share more appeals from the front
  • Take a financial health check

Additionally, there are recommendations for Christian donors (pg 38) for;

  • Being Joyful, faithful stewards
  • Giving when times are hard

Supporting causes close to your heart

If you find something peaks your interest or you’d like to have a chat about the findings here please do get in touch with us. Additionally, we encourage you to see the Giving in Grace website to support your church with actioning the recommendations found in the report, if you feel it is the right time to do so.

Read the report here

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