Holy Trinity Southport's journey with the Parish Giving Scheme

First published on: 14th June 2024

The Church of the Holy Trinity, Southport, began its journey with the Parish Giving Scheme in March 2023. In the video, Fr Tom Carpenter explains their approach to joining the scheme, and tempering anxieties within the church congregation. In just a few months, over 40 of their givers had moved across to the PGS making it their primary method of giving.

The security of the Parish Giving Scheme over cash on the plate, envelopes and standing orders is great. Your giving is protected by the Direct Debit guarantee, you can sign up in 3 easy ways, and amend or cancel your gift at any time if your circumstances change.

So, what can we learn about growing the PGS?

  • Preach from the bible about generous giving
  • Ask people to use the scheme with a personal letter
  • Make PGS ‘the norm’ for new givers

For more information or support with this, see the website page or contact lucia.miller@liverpool.anglican.org

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