Faith in a fairer tax system

First published on: 6th June 2024

Bishop John is one of the signatories to an open letter asking the leaders of the main political parties to commit to a fairer tax system. You can read the letter below


Dear Rt Hon Rishi Sunak (Conservative Party)
Rt Hon Keir Starmer (Labour Party)
Rt Hon Ed Davey (Liberal Democrats)

RE: Faith in Fairer Taxes
We are leaders and representatives from across the UK churches and we are writing to ask you, the leaders of the UK’s major political parties, to commit to a fairer tax system if elected to Government in the upcoming General Election.

Political leaders and media commentators often portray tax as a burden, something to be avoided at all costs, but we see tax as a blessing. As Christians we are called to ‘seek the welfare of the city’, the society where God has put us (i). We therefore see your role as elected leaders as seeking the welfare of the nation where you have been elected.

The tax system as it currently stands is unfair. The wealthiest in society often don’t contribute their fair share towards the common good, for example: the richest 10% pay just 34% of their income in taxes, but the poorest 10% pay 42%(ii); council tax is regressive with the poorest 10% of the population paying 8% of their income in council tax, while the richest 40% pay 2-3%(iii); and often the wealthiest are able to avoid paying the taxes they should by using ‘tax havens’, passing on assets through family trusts, or using various exemptions built into the system(iv)

We believe a fair tax system is a vital part of seeking the welfare of modern society – so that everyone has their ‘daily bread’(v), where we love our neighbours(vi), and care for the created world(vii). It is not just us who see tax as a blessing, over 1000 people have taken part in polling organised by the JustMoney Movement, revealing that health and social care, education and environmental protection are the top three things they are thankful their taxes pay for(viii). Many churches across the UK will also mark Tax Justice Sunday on June 9th, dedicating their services to celebrating tax as a blessing not a burden.

If elected to form a Government in the upcoming General Election, will you:

Help shift the narrative on tax, so it is seen as a blessing and not a burden, a vital tool for shaping a better society.

Work towards reforming the tax system so everyone contributes a fair share.

Yours sincerely

The Undersigned
Sarah Edwards, Executive Director, JustMoney Movement
The Rt Reverend Dr Rowan Williams, Former Archbishop of Canterbury
The Rt Reverend David Walker, Bishop of Manchester
The Rt Reverend John Perumbalath, Bishop of Liverpool
The Rt Revd Nicholas Baines, Bishop of Leeds
The Rt Rev Rob Saner Haigh, Acting Bishop of Carlisle
The Rt Revd Andrew Watson, Bishop of Guildford
The Rt Revd Dr Joanne Grenfell, Bishop of Stepney
The Rt Revd Lynne Cullens, Bishop of Barking
Hannah Rich, Director, Christians on the Left
Bishop Mike Royal, General Secretary, Churches Together in England
Revd Helen Cameron, Moderator of The Free Churches Group
The Revd. Dr Duncan Dormor, General Secretary, USPG
Canon Giles Goddard, Chair, Faith for the Climate
Holly-Anna Petersen, Director, Christian Climate Action
Colin Date, Acting Chair, Christian Concern for One World
Revd Dr Darrell Hannah, Chair, Operation Noah
Deborah Tomkins, Chair, Green Christian
The Very Revd David Monteith, Dean of Canterbury
Revd Jeff Williams, President, Union of Welsh Independents
Paul Southgate, Chair, The Northumbria Industrial Mission
Dr Selina Stone, Durham University and JustMoney Movement Patron
Revd Dr Nick Moore, Warden, Cranmer Hall, Durham
Gareth McNab, Director of External Affairs, Christians Against Poverty
Rt Revd Laurie Green
The Rt Rev Dr Tim Ellis, Assistant Bishop, Diocese of Sheffield



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