Our support doesn’t end once you are licensed. We offer information, events and ongoing training as you develop your Reader ministry with us.
Once your initial Reader training with Emmanuel College has ended you will be supported in continuing your learning and development as a Reader.
There is a one year programme of post initial training which is run by the Diocese and concentrates on helping you make the transition into a public ministry.
The monthly sessions will focus on sustaining your ministry, developing your theological knowledge and your skills in both preaching and leading worship.
Following this year you are encouraged to engage with the many learning opportunities that will be provided by the Diocese at Reader study days and evening sessions.
Your Incumbents and Readers Handbook
We have developed a handbook for Incumbents and Readers, to
- help you understand the role of Reader
- provide information about Reader selection and training
- remind us all of the diverse gifts and rich ministry you can bring as a Reader
- help all foster good relations in ministry teams and individual parishes
- give you guidance on reconciliation where there is misunderstanding or breakdown in relationships.
Download your Incumbents and Readers Handbook here.
Permission to Officiate
When a Reader reaches the age of 70 they require Permission To Officiate (PTO).
If you are approaching that age, you will need to ask the Bishop of Warrington for permission for the next three years to officiate in your parish.
Download our Guidance: Permission to Officiate